(9064527) JA420 / AmericanoJoe – VGNpoker OSS XIV Freebuy Tournament Results
Congratulations JA420 and AmericanoJoe on placing first in the 10/11/2018 VGNpoker OSS XIV Freebuy Tournament! They have moved on on the series with an 80+8 ticket. Was great seeing everyone! Remember to keep on playing the OSS Series up through October 14th! Good Luck & Good Games!
Name | Chips |
JA420 | $0.00 |
AmericanoJoe | $0.00 |
POKERSAVVY | $0.00 |
Destruct51 | $0.00 |
JimMac65 | $0.00 |
MileHighBull | $0.00 |
Paco777 | $0.00 |
Vile | $0.00 |
A001MP97 | $0.00 |
snavejr | $0.00 |
Winson Wang | $0.00 |
RainClown | $0.00 |
mwthig | $0.00 |
NinjaPandAA | $0.00 |
photuris | $0.00 |
Havock | $0.00 |
Fujiwara Takumi | $0.00 |
1FIERROS | $0.00 |
ashpokergod | $0.00 |
Spade83 | $0.00 |
lukefive | $0.00 |
olaolaolaola | $0.00 |
Legend366 | $0.00 |
otinsliepa | $0.00 |
gunita | $0.00 |
reignoffire | $0.00 |
bloom333 | $0.00 |
nck_ohio | $0.00 |
falle01 | $0.00 |
TB87 | $0.00 |
WoofWooof | $0.00 |
CUBONS | $0.00 |
bgx33 | $0.00 |
jfgeking89 | $0.00 |
dougiefres1 | $0.00 |
Zvezdan NS | $0.00 |
Jkmoody706 | $0.00 |
DFD | $0.00 |
aj1300 | $0.00 |
sherilogan | $0.00 |
Memphis_Raines | $0.00 |
scubed | $0.00 |
REZ_241 | $0.00 |
distort99 | $0.00 |
TheCol41 | $0.00 |
PSNyteowl | $0.00 |
Leldsy | $0.00 |
PH03N1Xir | $0.00 |
kwark | $0.00 |
JCRunnerRunner | $0.00 |
ericpchome18 | $0.00 |
pokerqn777 | $0.00 |
hardking | $0.00 |
Ricardokrato | $0.00 |
GURUX2U | $0.00 |
Heathencore | $0.00 |
jazzband | $0.00 |
MYPOT27 | $0.00 |
beebins | $0.00 |
Megafied11 | $0.00 |
shaazy712 | $0.00 |
smallfrie | $0.00 |
MEKTZAR | $0.00 |
Results generated by VGN Poker Result Poster www.vgnpoker.com