(8916367) acr oss – VGNpoker OSS Freebuy Tournament Results

(8916367) acr oss – VGNpoker OSS Freebuy Tournament Results

August 24th Private Freebuy Tournament Guaranteeing 6 Seats to the OSS $1 Million MEGASat – 75 Seats GTD . Congratulations joaobedias, Mavles, DidicoAbensoe, J1246, thatbadger, & seeker75. These guys are going to the round and have a chance at the main event. Hope to see everyone August 31st for our BOSS Freebuy!

Name Chips
BigAffronti $0.00
thisisreal $0.00
Fishfry834 $0.00
Armegydo $0.00
DK in Chicago $0.00
iCASHout4US $0.00
BamaTidwell $0.00
kwark $0.00
Bytemaster $0.00
leadcore $0.00
YendorAllIn $0.00
DrySpe11 $0.00
AxIdental_Damage $0.00
MYPOT27 $0.00
jfgeking89 $0.00
cpiff89 $0.00
Poker Paparazzi $0.00
mikecalled $0.00
BigManLyPoker $0.00
JimMac65 $0.00
closer60 $0.00
Alex Trebek $0.00
RtrDam1982 $0.00
scubed $0.00
Vile $0.00
Talden $0.00
Epac $0.00
reignoffire $0.00
23offD $0.00
obamaforreal $0.00
motoconcho1 $0.00
RounderRob2 $0.00
zorik $0.00
AlaskaRu $0.00
jhMLB $0.00
xurrr $0.00
ashpokergod $0.00
MonsterRuk $0.00
Kymmers $0.00
Winson Wang $0.00
franckodgzx22 $0.00
genialsoy $0.00
lorilips $0.00
1dullgeek $0.00
boylokinho $0.00
AKLove $0.00
32STREETS $0.00
buddhead $0.00
Legend366 $0.00
lilguywins $0.00
fishmasterbaiter $0.00
pokerqn777 $0.00
IanRK777 $0.00
Hutch00 $0.00
Paco777 $0.00
Pokericon17 $0.00
Shark-nado $0.00
R I V E R B O Y S $0.00
codyshambo420 $0.00
pakal2015 $0.00
Da1Lokker $0.00
viphhg $0.00
mrnuggetsauce $0.00
chiba44 $0.00
Gilvan $0.00
John_3_16 $0.00
YoungGun766 $0.00
kap86 $0.00
timond23 $0.00
philipphuong $0.00
jakis51691 $0.00
Surarit $0.00
sucrose11 $0.00
theoldman77 $0.00
pman5412 $0.00
tembracell $0.00
sarkofagos1926 $0.00
robray06 $0.00
AzRic $0.00
puzzlemeister $0.00
formertroll $0.00
cyrusthevirus1374 $0.00
WoofWooof $0.00
cisisan $0.00
24ever $0.00
Daiane $0.00
aceonce $0.00
Nestabear $0.00
Leooz1N $0.00
bayarea $0.00
kratos69 $0.00
SweepDaTbl420 $0.00
PSCenterD $0.00
DGFOUR $0.00
RainClown $0.00
magicgames2 $0.00
prostock_55 $0.00
NR86 $0.00
Slip_Me_Aces $0.00
rayray1234 $0.00
tkfriend $0.00
floripainsidepkr $0.00
dextrose $0.00
fermentedpoker $0.00
gotmadaa $0.00
qazxswec $0.00
preciousdolllll $0.00
janitis23 $0.00
silentbovo1 $0.00
aj1300 $0.00
luckyducktape $0.00
marrrsd $0.00
KyWildcatOgre $0.00
TheHyper $0.00
badb0iie_ $0.00
Noblex $0.00
Xtryper $0.00
hannibal13 $0.00
TheDude6622 $0.00
TheCol41 $0.00
Suited-Pear $0.00
rysmith504 $0.00
MarcosCAM13 $0.00
BobbyVee $0.00
Gina821 $0.00
JimboAAkimbo $0.00
twirlspinQ $0.00
XXJUVE96XX $0.00
HUH_WAT $0.00
mesc4u $0.00
Bricxjo $0.00
aj43615 $0.00
Tbone461 $0.00
cballs86s $0.00
PappaGrizz88 $0.00
kirarony $0.00
Zambonado $0.00
TicketMan4u2 $0.00
reinhardt $0.00
mtay69 $0.00
AsinineBovine $0.00
kingmurn $0.00
dominic5885 $0.00
TwinPeaches $0.00
DeeNice $0.00
anymore $0.00
GracieLove $0.00
horizontalmambo $0.00
msroboto4 $0.00
papasallin $0.00
eklein0-10 $0.00
KurayArya $0.00
rbuck1952 $0.00
Baba ORielly $0.00
Label-Guy $0.00
javovo $0.00
nutzing2011 $0.00
Zinngraf $0.00
maverick1999 $0.00
Heathencore $0.00
Ygriegapoker $0.00
tillaf $0.00
dogguie $0.00
karthic $0.00
kimjr $0.00
babiy3 $0.00
Carole001 $0.00
Sicklucking $0.00
live4 $0.00
havealittlefaith $0.00
d0ubleyou $0.00
Megafied11 $0.00
Lightning789 $0.00
curacaoenaar $0.00
destructor19788 $0.00
Kjgawel66 $0.00
ubetme101 $0.00
rkgoat20 $0.00
FullFlush__2 $0.00
dougiefres1 $0.00
PSNyteowl $0.00
acegeek $0.00
kryptonite2u $0.00
deadwr0ng $0.00
MeanJeannie $0.00
I3onez $0.00
TommyClubs $0.00
Destruct51 $0.00
Katyushka4 $0.00
Chafundi $0.00
TheMayorPete $0.00
maestromae18 $0.00
JoeDirtless2 $0.00
fabio008 $0.00
Shrops $0.00
JosiPoker_BR $0.00
P0k3rPhD $0.00
briantry $0.00
payamala7235 $0.00
Delenia $0.00
WhyareuMad $0.00
cruisinman $0.00
pokamasta247 $0.00
~][ustler~ $0.00
pokeboom $0.00
JoKrStArZ $0.00
mythtrap $0.00
chlllhard $0.00
parmer30 $0.00
bworld69 $0.00
Results generated by VGN Poker Result Poster www.vgnpoker.com

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